Jaroslava Přerovská
Translator and Soft Skills Trainer
I provide translation and proofreading services for English, French, Slovak and Czech language. I specialize in translating texts from economic, marketing, technical and legal fields. I offer also certified translation services.
I studied English and French at university and taught both languages at several colleges. Since 2007 I have been working as a freelance translator. Text analyses, modifications, puns, lexicology, stylistics and learning new stuff – I have not got tired of it.
I am a professional trainer of personal development courses (i. e. soft skills trainings) too.
I offer direct negotiation without an intermediary, a personal and individual approach, and professional results.
I am a pilates instructor as well.


Mgr. Jaroslava Přerovská, MAE
• appointed sworn interpreter for English language (2016)
• certified soft skills trainer – accredited course (2016)
• Legal English for Translators and Interpreters, Faculty of Law
in Prague (2015-2016)
• state examination in English-language translation, C2 level (2015)
• several courses for translators
• CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English) – international
Cambridge exam, C2 level (2012)
• MAE – MBA postgraduate programme at the French-Czech
Management Institute (IFTG) at University of Economy
in Prague and Jean Moulin University, Lyon III (2009-2011)
• DALF (Diplôme Approfondi de la Langue Française) – international
exam, C1 level (2002)
• Teacher Training Faculty at University of South Bohemia
in Ceske Budejovice, specialisation :
English and French languages (1996-2001)
I translate between English, French, Czech and Slovak.
I specialize in the following fields:
• legal English: terms and conditions, contracts,
articles of association, GDPR, expert opinions
• certified translations: birth certificates, certificates of
marriage, diplomas, judgements, resolutions,
arrest warrants
• press releases, commercial proposals
• annual reports
• advertising and marketing materials:
product and promotional texts, web sites, flyers

• technical field: patents, product descriptions, user manuals, tutorials
• economic texts: analyses, human resources, production management, strategic management, logistics,
business correspondence
• training and online programmes
• physiotherapy
• others: annotations on dissertation, curricula vitae, cover letters
• books: non-fiction literature

I also offer revising and proofreading:
• linguistic (spelling and grammar check, typos, terminology)
• stylistic (word order, text cohesion, punctuation, vocabulary)
• text formatting (page layout, page breaks, unification of graphics)
and post-editing of machine translation (MTPE).
The prices of translations are calculated on the basis of the number of standard pages (SP) of the source text. One standard page corresponds to 1,800 characters including spaces, i. e. about 250 words.
Send me the text you want to translate, and I will give you an approximate quote.
I am not subject to VAT.
I use the following CAT tools: SDL Trados, memoQ and Memsource.
Since 2016 I have been actively conducting personal development courses (i. e. soft skills trainings).
I train the following courses, both in Czech and English.

Stress Management (how to cope with stress and prevent burnout, healthy lifestyle, relaxation techniques)
Creativity and Critical Thinking (how to achieve innovativeness by connecting creativity and critical thinking)
Personal Typology and Enneagram
Leadership (managerial authority, various leadership styles, running a meeting, successful onboarding, delegating)
Online Training – Presentation Skill, Training of Trainers and Time Management within online training on the Zoom and MS Teams platforms.
Presentation Skills (how to create an unforgettable and convincing presentation, how to gain self-confidence during presentation, cooperate with the audience and handle objections)
Training of Trainers (mastering key lecturing skills)
Communication Skills (how to convince and obtain approval, how to recognize manipulation and respond to it, assertive communication, coping with stress, impact of family rules on our current life)
Mindfulness and Positive Thinking (influence of coping with stress and negative emotions on work performance)
Time Management (identification of time thieves, how to change habits and stereotypes, how to eliminate distraction, procrastination)

Between 2017-2022 I ran several series of the following successful courses within the project of Restartuj kariéru s Routou (Restart your career with Routa): Business English, Financial English, Successful Presentation in English. The training was held onsite as well as online via the Google Meet platform.
I cooperate with SMARTER Training & Consulting company.
Mgr. Jaroslava Přerovská, MAE
tel.: +420 604 89 68 29
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